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Can You Put Online Courses on Your Resume?

August 6th 2024
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This piece is dedicated to those who have embraced online classes through various online learning platforms and are seeking guidance on how to effectively present this knowledge to potential employers.

In the era where reputable online course providers are offering a wealth of knowledge comparable to traditional education, understanding how to leverage these resources for professional training and career advancement is crucial. Let’s explore how your digital learning journey can enhance your professional profile and open new doors in your career path.

The Short Answer: Yes!

In today’s digital age, online learning platforms have revolutionized the way we acquire new skills and knowledge. With the rising trend in e-learning, the question often arises: “Can you put online courses on resume?” The short answer is an emphatic yes!

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Why Add Online Courses to Your Resume?

Staying Relevant in a Changing World

The world of work has changed significantly. Online courses are not just a stop-gap; they’re a critical part of staying relevant. They demonstrate your commitment to professional development and keeping up with industry trends.

For instance, imagine you’ve completed a course in data science from a reputable online course provider. This shows employers that you’re proactive in acquiring new skills and staying ahead of the curve.

Bridging the Gap

Online courses can be particularly beneficial for career changers or those with career gaps. By listing online courses, you show a continuous thread of learning and adaptability. For example, someone transitioning from a role in finance to tech might list courses in financial accounting and data analysis, providing context to their career path.

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How to List Online Courses on Your Resume

Placement Matters

Where should you list these courses on your resume? It depends. If the course is closely related to your desired job, place it in the education section or under certifications. For less relevant courses, consider a separate section titled ‘Professional Development’ or ‘Continuing Education’.

Be Selective and Relevant

Remember, the key is relevance. List courses that are directly applicable to the job description. For instance, if you’re applying for a job in marketing, a course in digital marketing would be more relevant than an intro class in philosophy.

Provide Details and Accomplishments

When listing these courses, include the course name, the provider, and the expected completion date. If you’ve earned a verified certificate, mention it. Also, bullet points highlighting key learnings or achievements from the course can make your resume stand out.

How to Identify Online Courses Valued by Employers in Your Industry

A man at a laptop with a triumphant pose.

Finding out which online courses are highly valued by potential employers in your industry involves a blend of research, networking, and understanding industry trends. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to conduct this research effectively:

1. Identify Industry Needs

  • Stay Updated with Industry Trends: Follow industry news, read trade journals, and subscribe to relevant newsletters to stay abreast of the latest skills and knowledge in demand.
  • Examine Job Descriptions: Look at current job postings in your field. Note the qualifications, certifications, and skills frequently mentioned.
  • Industry Reports and Surveys: Review industry reports and surveys that discuss skill gaps and emerging trends.

2. Leverage Professional Networks

Informational Interviews: Arrange informal discussions with professionals in your field to gain insights into the most valued skills and courses.

Networking Events and Conferences: Attend industry events, either virtually or in person, to network with professionals and learn about their views on various courses.

LinkedIn and Professional Forums: Join industry groups on LinkedIn and participate in discussions. Ask for course recommendations and feedback on specific programs.

3. Research Online Course Platforms

Explore Popular Platforms: Websites like Coursera, Udemy, and LinkedIn Learning offer a wide range of courses. Look for courses with high ratings and positive reviews. The Teach.io platform allows you to learn from seasoned professionals with years of experience in their respective fields.

Accreditation and Recognition: Check if the course is accredited or recognized by reputable industry bodies.

Alumni Success Stories: Some courses feature testimonials or case studies from past students. These can be insightful in determining the course’s impact on their careers.

4. Consult with Educational and Career Counselors

Career Counseling Services: Many educational institutions offer career counseling services that can provide guidance on valuable courses.

Industry-Specific Counselors: Some counselors specialize in specific industries and can offer tailored advice.

5. Evaluate Course Content and Structure

Curriculum Relevance: Ensure the course content is up-to-date and relevant to current industry standards.

Practical Application: Look for courses that offer practical, hands-on experience or projects that mirror real-world scenarios.

6. Review Course Outcomes and ROI

Certifications and Credits: Determine if the course offers a certification or credits that are recognized in your industry.

Return on Investment (ROI): Consider the cost of the course versus the potential career benefits, such as salary increases or job opportunities.

7. Utilize Alumni Networks

Alumni Experiences: Connect with alumni of the course to get firsthand accounts of how the course has impacted their careers.

Online Reviews and Forums: Websites like Reddit or Quora can be valuable resources for candid reviews and experiences.

8. Keep a Pulse on Future Skills

Future Skill Predictions: Stay informed about the skills predicted to be in demand in the future. This proactive approach can give you an edge in your career.

Identifying the most valued online courses requires a multifaceted approach, including industry research, networking, and a thorough evaluation of courses. By aligning your educational pursuits with the needs and trends of your industry, you can enhance your career prospects and appeal to potential employers.

Remember, the value of a course is not just in its content, but also in how it aligns with your career goals and the evolving needs of your industry.

Selecting a Credible Online Learning Platform and Maximizing Online Courses

A lady with glasses on and earphones in, looking at a laptop.

The landscape of online education has evolved dramatically, with Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and various platforms offering an array of learning opportunities. Platforms like Coursera, edX, and others have established themselves as credible sources for knowledge acquisition, but how do you determine which courses and platforms are right for your professional development?

Understanding the Credibility of Online Learning Platforms

When evaluating the credibility of an online learning platform, consider the following aspects:

  • Accreditation and Partnerships: Reputable platforms often partner with accredited universities and recognized institutions. Courses backed by these entities are more likely to be valued by employers.
  • Instructor Credentials: Investigate the qualifications and background of the instructors. Credible courses are usually led by experts with extensive experience in their field.
  • User Reviews and Feedback: Look for user reviews and ratings. Feedback from past students can provide valuable insights into the course’s effectiveness and relevance.
  • Course Completion Rate: A high completion rate can be a sign of engaging and valuable course content.
A man and a woman talking to each other.

What to Look for in Online Courses

Selecting the right online course involves more than just picking a topic. Here’s what to consider:

  • Course Content and Relevance: Ensure the course content is up-to-date and relevant to your industry. Courses that incorporate current trends and technologies are particularly valuable. Always have a look at the course outline to get a deeper understanding of what is being offered.
  • Learning Outcomes: Identify what skills or knowledge you will gain from the course. Clear learning outcomes suggest a well-structured course.
  • Interactive and Practical Components: Courses that include interactive elements, like projects, quizzes, and forums, can enhance learning and retention.
  • Flexibility and Accessibility: Consider the course format. Is it self-paced or scheduled? Does it provide resources that you can access anytime?
  • Certifications and Badges: Courses that offer certifications or digital badges upon completion can add value to your resume.

Specialization and Technical Skills

Online platforms are particularly beneficial for acquiring specific skills or technical expertise:

  • Targeted Learning: Many platforms offer specialized courses that focus on specific skills, such as coding, digital marketing, or data analysis.
  • Career Pathways: Some courses are designed to guide learners through a series of classes that build upon each other, aligning with certain career paths.

For Junior Candidates and Non-Degree Holders

For those early in their career or without a university degree, online courses can be instrumental:

  • Demonstrating Skills: Well-chosen courses can showcase your knowledge and skills, making you a competitive candidate even without formal education.
  • Bridging Gaps: If your background is in a different field, online courses can help bridge the gap, showing your initiative to learn and adapt.

The world of online education offers vast opportunities for learning and professional growth. By carefully selecting credible platforms and relevant courses, you can significantly enhance your skills and appeal to potential employers.

Whether you are supplementing your formal education, transitioning careers, or seeking to advance in your current role, online courses can be a valuable component of your professional development strategy.

Online Courses and the Job Market

A group of people with grey suits on, there is a man in front of the group moving forward.

Meeting Employers’ Expectations

Most hiring managers recognize the value of online education. In fields like tech, where skills evolve rapidly, online coursework is often more current than traditional university curricula.

A Tool for Differentiation

In a pile of resumes, yours can stand out by showcasing relevant online courses. It signals to potential employers that you’re a self-starter, dedicated to your career and willing to invest time in your growth.

So, Can You Put Online Courses on Your Resume?

In an era where continuous learning and upskilling are highly valued, the relevance of online courses on a resume cannot be overstated. However, the weight these courses carry compared to traditional university degrees and how to effectively include them in a resume are key considerations for job seekers.

Do Employers Value Online Courses Over University Degrees?

While online courses are gaining significant traction and recognition, it’s important to understand their place in the job market relative to university degrees:

Complementary, Not Competitive: Online courses are generally viewed as supplements to formal education rather than direct substitutes. They are especially valued for demonstrating ongoing learning and skills development in a specific area.

Depends on the Field: In tech and digital marketing, for instance, skills often outweigh degree specifics, making online courses highly relevant. However, in more traditional fields, degrees might still hold more sway.

Recognition Varies: The credibility of online courses can vary based on the provider. Courses from reputable platforms or universities tend to be more valued.

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Are You at a Disadvantage Without a Formal Qualification?

Having only online courses on a resume can be challenging, but it’s not necessarily a deal-breaker:

Skill-Based Industries: In industries where skills and practical knowledge are paramount, a portfolio of work and relevant online courses can sometimes compensate for the lack of formal qualifications.

Context Matters: The impact of having only online courses on a resume largely depends on the industry, the nature of the job, and the employer’s perspective on education and training.

Continuous Learning: An array of online courses can demonstrate a commitment to self-improvement and staying current with industry trends, which is a valuable trait in many fields.

Structuring Your Resume with Online Courses

To make the most of your online learning experiences, consider the following strategies for structuring your resume:

Relevant Courses Section: Create a specific section titled “Professional Development,” “Continuing Education,” or “Relevant Courses.” List the most pertinent courses that align with the job you’re applying for.

Skills Integration: Instead of listing courses separately, integrate the skills you’ve acquired through these courses into your skills section. This approach focuses on the application of knowledge rather than the source of learning.

Project and Achievements: If your online course involved a significant project or achievement (like developing a software application or completing a major design project), include this in your experience or projects section.

Certifications and Accreditations: If the course provided a certification, especially from a recognized institution or platform, make sure to highlight this.

Tailor Your Approach: Customize the inclusion of online courses for each job application based on the job description and required skills.


a woman sitting on a couch in a job interview.

Including online courses on your resume is not just acceptable; it’s often advantageous, especially when these courses are relevant to the job at hand. They can showcase your dedication to self-improvement and staying abreast of industry trends.

However, it’s crucial to strike a balance and present these courses in a way that complements your overall professional profile, particularly when formal qualifications are sparse. In the rapidly evolving job market, a blend of formal education and continuous online learning is often the key to staying competitive.

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