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How to Start Group Coaching in 2024 (Examples and Templates)

May 1st 2024
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How to start group coaching.

Although one-on-one coaching used to be the peak of making a real difference in someone’s life, the same effects can be achieved with group coaching. With group coaching, you can witness the magic of collective growth.

Group coaching offers an incredible energy – a synergy that you don’t get one-on-one. In trying to reach one person, you might light a spark, but with a group, you’re starting a wildfire.

We’ll dive deep into group coaching, figuring out the secret sauce that makes a group session work and thrive, and creating those unforgettable ‘aha’ moments we all live for. Imagine being able to craft an experience where everyone walks away feeling seen, heard, and inspired. 

How do we turn a room full of strangers into a community of inspired individuals ready to support each other and leap toward their goals? In this article, we’ll include stories, strategies, examples, and even templates to help you kickstart your group coaching journey.

What is Group Coaching

Group coaching involves a group of individuals who collectively work with a coach to achieve a common goal or a set of objectives. It’s more or less about collaborating to foster learning and growth while rendering contextual support to all members involved.

Typically, they may occur physically or online, and companies like Teach.io offer platforms that provide uninterrupted coaching sessions virtually.

Coaching can take up different forms, including in-person and online sessions. But first, we’ll help you understand how one-on-one group sessions compare to group sessions.

One-on-One VS. Group Coaching

The group coaching vs individual coaching debate is quite a conversation starter. The talk around it mostly sits on which between them is more instrumental and practical.

Group coaching typically involves bringing people – usually more than two individuals – together who work with a coach to achieve set goals. Conversely, one-on-one coaching occurs between a coach and a single individual to attain personalized objectives.

Both individual and group coaching offer specific benefits in their generous measures. Nonetheless, group coaching can be a cut above, offering more than simply getting a gathering with a unified short- or long-term goal or objectives.

Group Coaching Benefits

Group coaching has the edge over conventional one-on-one coaching, primarily because it makes coaching more efficient. However, there’s more to what meets the eye about what this practice offers, including the following:

Collective Wisdom

Group coaching brings people of different backgrounds, with diverse backgrounds and understanding, together. That creates a rich blend of knowledge, perspectives, and experiences of every kind. It curates a pool of collective wisdom where every participant learns from the fostered diversity.

Members can have enriching discussions amongst themselves and build each other’s perspectives about different walks of life. Moreover, this diversity can be handy in helping members solve problems and enhance personal growth.

Network Building

Participants in group sessions also learn a lot from each other besides picking tips from their coach. Such interactions among members extend beyond the coaching sessions, creating collaboration opportunities and fostering ongoing support among them.

Members can share personal and professional connections by knowing each other more profoundly. That allows them to build meaningful networks.


Group coaching can save time by allowing several individuals to share a coach’s time compared to one-on-one sessions. In most cases, most group coaching programs may charge way less than they conventionally would with individual coaching.

Working in such groups can be more economical and practical for resourcefulness. It even helps organizations more by making coaching accessible to a broader audience, cutting costs while developing multiple members.

Improved Accountability and Motivation

Setting goals together, sharing progress, and celebrating achievements within the group breed motivation and accountability. It enables group members to be more accountable to themselves, the coach, and each other.

This built-in sense of accountability and motivation fosters much-needed discipline toward achieving the collective goals. It motivates them to push forward relentlessly and be each other’s strength.

Group Coaching Examples

Group coaching is a practice that cuts across different niches, whether in business, wellness, or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). These groups have different streaks that accurately define them. Below are the most notable group coaching examples.

Group Business Coaching

Group business coaching can gather about five to 15 participants, typically small to medium-sized. Participants can be entrepreneurs or business professionals seeking to learn from an expert coach in their business areas.

Ideally, participants go through themed lessons on strategic business planning and leadership development. The topics can also be about team dynamics and strategic team growth.

Session structure in group business coaching – The session structure in group business coaching is usually balanced with plenty of group discussions, case studies, and presentations. These sessions can happen weekly or bi-weekly, and coaches typically determine the suitability of their frequency.

Potential outcomes – Group business coaching aims to help participants gain more clarity on different aspects of running and maintaining businesses. Besides picking their coach’s two cents, members also learn from each other, creating meaningful network opportunities.

Robbie Swale leads an entire group coaching session themed around confidence and money, among other topics. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NFBvAVfZrKQ).

Group Life Coaching

A little life redirection occasionally can go a long way, making group life coaching sessions practical. Like every other group session, it can happen online and may require having the right tools, including seamless video conferencing features and swift instant messaging.

Teach.io is among the most proficient platforms for group coaching. This platform can help accommodate the capacity of a life coaching group, which may average around six to 12 participants. Teach.io offers tools, seamless discussion forums, and video conferencing, making group life coaching easier.

Session structure in group life coaching – Coaches are usually in the leadership position when it comes to group life coaching. They may facilitate a better understanding of life goal-setting, mindfulness, and self-discovery.

Potential outcomes – Group life coaching usually enables individuals to find a better outlook and improve in their desired areas. It helps facilitate a positive lifestyle change, allowing a more balanced and fulfilled life.

ADHD Group Coaching

ADHD group coaching usually comprises smaller groups of between four and eight due to their higher requirement for personalized coaching. This coaching group focuses on helping people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorders, enabling them to pull more focus and organization in their actions.

ADHD group coaching structure – These groups are usually more focused, and coaches pay more attention to individual attributes and reactions. As a coach, it’s imperative to use friendly teaching approaches and understand individual weaknesses among ADHD participants.

In most cases, ADHD group coaches offer practical solutions to their troubled participants. When conducted online, a viable platform like Teach.io may be handy as it provides tools that make sessions more seamless and uninterrupted.

Possible outcome – Managing ADHD and its symptoms are at the center of every ADHD group coaching session. The overarching goal, therefore, can be about learning to improve individual productivity and enhance overall well-being.

ADHD group coaching testimonials by Brooke: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SwhiXj0gKc4

Group Health Coaching

These groups typically bring together several individuals of about eight to twelve. Depending on the platform used, they’re mostly condensed but sometimes quite expansive. Platforms like Teach.io can be best for such groups as they allow coaches to effectively reach many individuals without straining due to their host of tools.

Structure of Sessions – Sessions may include educational presentations, group discussions, goal-setting exercises, and practical demonstrations. Coaches provide individualized wellness plans and online fitness courses and support behavior change within the group context.

Potential Outcomes – Participants can achieve improved health outcomes, adopt healthier habits, manage chronic conditions more effectively, and experience increased motivation through group support and accountability.

Group Coaching for Entrepreneurs

These groups can have about six to ten individuals who work in a more collaborative environment. They can be a gathering of budding entrepreneurs or established players who seek to learn the strategies used in this activity from an expert finance coach or how to manage their finances properly.

  • Structure of group coaching for entrepreneurs – This assemblage typically involves coaches seeking solutions to entrepreneurs’ problems and devising the most practical way out. While novices would expect much from their coach, professional and seasoned entrepreneurs can be each other’s hand, sharing insight and pondering on ideas and solutions that get them ahead.
  • Potential outcomes – Participants in group coaching for entrepreneurs can gain practical business skills, expand their professional network, receive feedback on business ideas, and overcome entrepreneurial hurdles with the support of like-minded peers.

Group Wellness Coaching

More like group health coaching, group wellness coaching can have participants that don’t exceed ten but can be as low as four. Wellness encompasses different activities that train the mind in mindfulness and meditation.

  • Group wellness coaching structure – Group wellness coaching enables coaches to provide personalized wellness plans with distinct modules and facilitate group discussions. Therefore, you can expect more yoga, nutrition discussions, and exercise sessions. Members virtually attending these sessions through platforms like Teach.io can follow along through video conferencing as they take instructions from their coaches.
  • Potential outcomes – These group sessions can enable participants to experience better wellness levels and foster a sense of community and belonging.

Group health and wellness coaching by Christiel Bel HHC: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IL5tlg_PJNQ

Group Coaching Framework

The Group Coaching Framework is the theoretical and practical backbone of your program. While “How to Create a Group Coaching Program” focuses on the logistics of setting up the program, this section delves into the methodology and techniques underpinning the program, ensuring its efficacy and positive outcomes for participants.

Determine Your Long and Short Term Goals

It’s best always to consider the long-term aim and measure it with your desired short-term goals when planning a group coaching program. Therefore, start by defining your objectives – whether to pass a skill, impact behavior change, or create a lasting community.

You may have to sit with yourself, determine your participant’s needs, and devise ways to convey your teaching by selecting the right platform. Teach.io is among the most efficient platforms, offering a free 14-day trial.

Form Your Groups and Select the Best Platform

While selecting the best platform structures within the initial goal-setting step, you may have to put a lot of thought into selecting your platform. An easy way out is getting a 14-day free trial of Teach.io plans, a platform specifically designed for high-end video conferencing.

Before selecting your platform, please ensure you identify your group size and dynamics. That can include the optimal size, your participants’ background, and the resources your platform offers.

Design Your Framework

How are you planning to structure your sessions? How’s the curriculum and delivery? Asking these essential questions can help you create a blueprint for executing your group coaching sessions.

The good thing is that you’re spoilt for choice with how you’d want to structure your delivery. For instance, you can combine presentations, discussions, and exercises or select a few that work best for your sessions.

Your curriculum can also have specific themes and topics that address your participants’ needs while actualizing your group coaching goals. You can also incorporate several practical coaching tools like visual aids, worksheets, and end-of-session assessments.

Feedback and Reflection

It’s best to always leave room for feedback and reflection, as it helps gauge your progress and determine whether or not your group coaching session is bearing fruit.

Above everything else, always create a close-knit community around you and make the environment more hospitable. Ensure that everyone feels included and focused on for better results.

Actionable Advice

A little advice can go a long way when running a group coaching program. Here are some tips to follow.

  • Customize to participant needs – Tailor the framework to meet your target audience’s specific needs and preferences.
  • Flexibility and adaptability – Remain flexible in adapting the framework based on participant feedback and evolving needs.
  • Continuous improvement – Regularly evaluate the program’s effectiveness and make adjustments to enhance outcomes.
  • Coach development – Invest in ongoing training and development for coaches to enhance their facilitation skills and maintain program quality.

Conceptual Foundation

Several theories act as the conceptual foundation of group coaching, which you should consider the most when designing your group coaching program. These theories range from collective intelligence and community dynamics to social learning.

Collective intelligence considers the diversity of perspectives, including the different experiences and backgrounds in problem-solving and decision-making. Moreover, it encompasses collaborative problem-solving through dialogue and discussions and the amplification of knowledge.

Social learning, a theory Albert Bandura developed, emphasizes the role of observations, modeling, and imitation in learning. Using this theory as the foundation of your group coaching program can help you focus your teaching around observational learning with reinforcement and feedback.

Also noteworthy is the importance of community theory, which can help you foster a sense of belonging, enable peer support and accountability, and share resources and networks within your group coaching sessions.

Integrating these concepts in your group coaching sessions can help you facilitate more dialogue and establish structured activities like group activities and exercises. It may also offer your group coaching program a better sense of community, giving it an edge over most others.

Program Structure

The program is structured with biweekly sessions over three months, totaling six sessions. Each session runs for 90 minutes, comprising interactive discussions, activities, and personalized feedback. Content progressively builds upon foundational concepts, fostering continuous growth and skill development throughout the coaching journey.

Session Design – Group Coaching Topics

Individual sessions within the program are designed to balance consistency and flexibility, adapting to group needs. Each session begins with an ice-breaker to foster connection, followed by primary content delivery incorporating interactive discussions and exercises. Group discussions allow for sharing and reflection, concluding with a wrap-up to reinforce key learnings and set objectives for the next session.

Group Coaching Techniques

As a rule of thumb, don’t make your group coaching boring! But what can you do to make your coaching program fruitful and engaging? Here are a few things:

  • Encourage active listening – This can help you understand the different perspectives within your group and validate participant contributions.
  • Ask open-ended questions – Not everyone in your program would love a yes or no answer. Most want to speak up or give more comprehensive answers; open-ended questions can help encourage participation.
  • Incorporate role-playing – Try getting people to play some roles when giving their responses and participating in discussions. That’d cheer up members and make your sessions livelier.

You want everyone to contribute actively, even the quieter members. So, it’s best to identify and keep such personalities on your radar to prevent the loud characters from overshadowing them.

Group Coaching Activities

Incorporating exercises beyond delivering knowledge to actively developing essential skills would make perfect sense. Activities should be interactive, fostering collaboration and problem-solving. Try including role-playing scenarios to practice communication skills, team-building exercises to enhance cooperation, and case studies for critical thinking. Each activity should align with session objectives, promoting skill acquisition and application within a supportive group setting.

Practical application is vital in group coaching as it allows participants to apply concepts and skills learned during sessions directly. Exercises should be adaptable to different niches, ensuring relevance and effectiveness. If possible, throw in some role-playing for communication improvement, goal-setting exercises for life coaching, problem-solving simulations for business coaching, and mindfulness practices for wellness coaching. This hands-on approach reinforces learning and supports participants’ real-world application of coaching insights.

How to create a group coaching program

Now, the tastiest part is how you create a coaching program. Creating a group coaching program involves a series of strategic steps to design an impactful and sustainable offering. Below is a structured approach to developing your program:

Step 1: Define Your Ideal Niche and Target Audience

Identify the specific area or industry you want to focus on, such as leadership, entrepreneurship, wellness, etc. That can help you get a proper blueprint of how you’d like to conduct your sessions based on the goals you set. When setting your group coaching short and long-term goals, please consider the following:

  • Specificity – Ensure you clearly define goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). That’ll help you have a clear direction and track progress efficiently.
  • Participant needs – Don’t forget to align goals with the group members’ unique needs, expectations, and aspirations to ensure relevance and engagement.
  • Program objectives – Remember to connect goals to broader program objectives, focusing on desired outcomes such as skill development, behavior change, or mindset shifts.
  • Timeline – Establish realistic timelines for achieving short-term milestones and long-term objectives, allowing for continuous improvement and evaluation.
  • Feedback and Adaptation – Incorporate participant feedback to refine and adapt goals throughout the coaching journey, ensuring they remain responsive to evolving needs and priorities.

Research and define your ideal target audience based on demographics, psychographics, and their specific challenges or aspirations.

Step 2: Develop Your Coaching Proposition

Your coaching proposition should clearly define the key benefits, outcomes, and experiences your participants should expect. Articulate the unique value your program offers. At the end, ensure you have a clear and concise answer to the question, such as what specific outcomes participants can expect.

If possible, please ensure your proposition aligns with the needs of your target audience.

Step 3: Set Clear Objectives and Goals

Having more achievable goals helps give your program a clear sense of direction. It’s important to define what success looks like for the program and your participants.

You can establish SMART goals that will guide the structure and content of your program.

Step 4: Design the Program Structure

Decide on the length of the program, the number of sessions, and their frequency. If possible, consider the best format for delivery for better outcomes. Some of the best formats include the following:

  • Online – Virtual sessions using video conferencing platforms offer flexibility and accessibility for participants from diverse locations.
  • In-Person – Face-to-face sessions promote deeper connections and interactions, ideal for local participants.
  • Hybrid – Combine online and in-person elements to leverage the benefits of both formats, accommodating different preferences and circumstances.

If you can, determine the optimal number of participants to ensure effective group dynamics and personal attention.

Step 5: Curate and Create Engaging Content

Breaking even can be quite an uphill task if you don’t have moving group coaching content. Therefore, build a curriculum that addresses the core topics and skills relevant to your niche and audience.

Your group coaching content should be interactive and encourage participation, and you can leverage worksheets, activities, and group exercises to achieve a better outcome.

One more thing: Please ensure you master your group coaching techniques and make your group coaching.

Step 6: Choose the Right Tools and Platforms

Finding the best platform for group coaching can be a perfect start. So, please do your homework and select the appropriate tools and platforms for content delivery, communication, and collaboration, considering functionality, ease of use, and cost.

Consider platforms that allow scalability and support your program as it grows. The good thing is you can use a group coaching program template to curate your program easily without starting from scratch. A group coaching contract template can contain every detail you need, making your program creation a breeze.

Here are excellent program coaching templates for you:

Template 1:

Group Coaching Program Template

Program Overview

  • Program Title: [Enter Program Title]
  • Program Duration: [Enter Program Duration (e.g., 8 weeks)]
  • Frequency of Sessions: [Enter Frequency of Sessions (e.g., Weekly)]

Program Objectives

  • Define specific goals and outcomes of the program.
  • Outline the skills, knowledge, or behaviors participants will develop.

Target Audience

  • Describe the ideal participant profile (e.g., professionals, entrepreneurs, individuals seeking personal growth).

Program Structure

  1. Session Topics:
  • Session 1: [Topic]
  • Session 2: [Topic]
  • Session 3: [Topic]
  1. Session Format:
  • Duration: [Length of Each Session]
  • Activities: [Describe Activities (e.g., presentations, discussions, exercises)]
  • Delivery Format: [In-Person, Online, Hybrid]

Key Benefits

  • List the benefits and transformations participants can expect from the program.

Coaching Approach

  • Describe the coaching methodology and techniques (e.g., active listening, role-playing, group exercises).

Program Materials

  • Include details of resources and materials (e.g., worksheets, reading materials, tools).

Program Deliverables

  • Outline what participants will receive upon program completion (e.g., certificates, resources).


  • Include testimonials from past participants or clients who have benefited from similar coaching programs.

Program Cost and Registration

  • Specify the program cost and registration details (e.g., payment options, registration deadline).

About the Coach(es)

  • Brief bio of the coach(es), highlighting their qualifications and expertise.

Contact Information

  • Provide contact details for inquiries and registration.

Template 2:

Group Coaching Program Template

Program Title

[Enter Program Title]

Program Overview

  • Duration: [Enter Program Duration (e.g., 12 weeks)]
  • Frequency: [Enter Frequency of Sessions (e.g., Weekly)]

Program Objectives

  • Define specific goals and outcomes for participants.
  • Outline the skills, knowledge, or behaviors participants will develop.

Target Audience

  • Describe the ideal participant profile (e.g., professionals, entrepreneurs, individuals seeking personal growth).

Program Structure

  1. Session Topics:
  • Session 1: [Topic]
  • Session 2: [Topic]
  • Session 3: [Topic]
  1. Session Format:
  • Duration: [Length of Each Session]
  • Format: [In-person, Online, Hybrid]
  • Activities: [Describe Activities (e.g., presentations, discussions, exercises)]

Key Benefits

  • List the benefits and transformations participants can expect from the program.

Coaching Approach

  • Describe the coaching methodology and techniques (e.g., active listening, goal-setting exercises, accountability structures).

Program Materials

  • Include details of resources and materials (e.g., worksheets, templates, access to online platforms).

Coaching Team

  • Introduce the coach (es) leading the program and their expertise in the field.


  • Include testimonials from past participants or clients who have benefited from similar coaching programs.

Registration and Fees

  • Specify the program fee and registration process (e.g., payment options, registration deadline).

Contact Information

  • Provide contact details for inquiries and registration.

Step 7: Market Your Program

Developing a marketing strategy to attract your target audience using social media, email newsletters, webinars, and partnerships would be best.

Create compelling marketing materials that communicate the benefits and transformations your program offers throughout the group coaching sales funnel by considering the following:

  • Clearly define the unique value proposition.
  • Highlight specific benefits and outcomes for participants.
  • Use compelling testimonials and success stories.
  • Include engaging visuals and graphics.
  • Provide clear calls to action for potential clients.

Step 8: Pilot Your Program

Consider running a pilot program with a much tinier group to test and refine your content, structure, and delivery. As much as you can, gather feedback from participants to make necessary adjustments before officially launching.

Step 9: Launch Your Program

Roll out your program to your broader target audience with confidence and clarity. While doing so, try implementing a registration and onboarding process that sets expectations and begins the community-building process.

Step 10: Facilitate and Monitor

As the principal coach in your program, ensure that you always lead your program with enthusiasm, authenticity, and professionalism. Continuously monitor the progress of the group and individual participants, making adjustments as needed to ensure a quality experience.

Step 11: Collect Feedback and Evaluate

At the end of the program, collect detailed feedback from participants on their experience, results, and areas for improvement.

You can evaluate the program’s success against your initial objectives and use the insights gained for future iterations.

Step 12: Foster an Alumni Community

The secret to every group coaching program is creating a lasting community that brings qualified people together. Therefore, an alum group should be established by encouraging ongoing communication and support among participants after the program ends.

You can use the alum network to provide continued value, create networking opportunities, and maintain a connection to your coaching brand.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need a group coaching certification?

You may not always require a group coaching certification to become a group coach. However, it’s best to undertake group coaching training to know how to run a coaching program. However, having a group coaching certification gives a competitive advantage, and participants can trust you more.

How much should you charge for group coaching?

The group coaching pricing ranges in different programs, but on average, expect to charge between $1,000 and $4,000 per individual for a six-month program.

Is there a good course on group coaching?

You can find an excellent course by scrutinizing the curriculum and content and assessing the faculty and instructors. Ideal group coaching programs come with high-end delivery platforms, including Teach.io, among numerous others.

Get the best of Teach.io!

If you’re looking for a more proficient and professional group coaching platform, Teach.io is your plug. With a free 14-day trial and tons of features and perks, this platform is just what you need for more interactive sessions and programs.

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