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How Much Money Do You Make on YouTube with 1 Million Subscribers? A Deep Dive into Potential Earnings

September 22nd 2023
Home > Blog > How Much Money Do You Make on YouTube with 1 Million Subscribers? A Deep Dive into Potential Earnings
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In today’s digital age, YouTube isn’t just a platform for entertainment; it’s a gold mine for the savvy content creator. With viral videos and charismatic YouTubers capturing the imaginations of viewers globally, there’s a burning question that’s likely crossed the mind of every aspiring creator: How much can you truly earn with 1 million subscribers?

While that golden subscriber count might seem like the ticket to instant riches, the real story is more intricate. In this article, we’ll unravel the tapestry of YouTube monetization, offering an in-depth look at potential earnings for those hitting the million-subscriber mark.

Whether you’re an aspiring YouTuber or a curious fan, join us as we explore the mechanics of the YouTube Partner Program (YPP), and share invaluable tips for those looking to transform their passion into profit.

How much does a YouTuber with 1 million subscribers earn in a year if he/she uploads two videos a week and gets 300k visits average per video?

The 'subscribe' icon.

Let’s do the math. Uploading videos twice a week results in approximately 104 youtube videos a year. If each YouTube video garners 300k views, that’s an impressive 31.2 million views annually. Based on the standard estimated ad revenue from YouTube, which is between $2-$7 per 1,000 views, a YouTube channel with these metrics could earn anywhere from $62,400 to $218,400 annually just from ad revenue alone. This doesn’t account for other revenue streams, which can significantly boost a creator’s income.

How much do YouTubers make for 1 million views?

For 1 million views, earnings can range from $2,000 to $7,000, based on the CPM rate. This number can fluctuate based on YouTube AdSense agreements, the nature of the video content, and viewer demographics.

How many dollars do you get per subscriber on YouTube?

Subscribers on YouTube don’t directly translate to dollars. However, a higher subscriber count can mean more YouTube views and potentially more money from ad viewership. This is due to the perceived credibility and audience engagement that come with a high subscriber count, leading to better advertiser demand.

Minimum Requirements to Make Money on YouTube

YouTube is a great platform for creators to share their content and connect with an audience. But how can you make money on YouTube?

There are a few things you need to do in order to be eligible to earn money from your YouTube channel.

  1. Create high-quality content. This means creating videos that are engaging, informative, and relevant to your audience.
  2. Build a following. You need to have a certain number of subscribers and watch hours in order to be eligible for monetization.
  3. Join the YouTube Partner Program (YPP). The YPP is a program that allows eligible creators to earn money from their videos through advertising.

The minimum requirements to join the YPP are:

  • 1,000 subscribers
  • 4,000 public watch hours in the past 12 months
  • Live in a country/region where the YPP is available
  • Accept the relevant contract modules
  • Create content that meets YouTube’s advertiser-friendly content guidelines

Once you’ve met these requirements, you can apply to join the YPP. If your application is approved, you’ll start earning money from ads that run on your videos.

The amount of money you earn will depend on a number of factors, such as the number of views your videos get and the type of ads that run on your videos.

Benefits of Joining the YouTube Partner Program (YPP)

The Youtube Partner Program.

The YouTube Partner Program (YPP) is a program that allows eligible creators to earn money from their videos through advertising. To join the YPP, you need to meet certain requirements, such as having at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 public watch hours in the past 12 months.

Once you’re accepted into the YPP, you’ll start earning money from ads that run on your videos. The amount of money you earn will depend on a number of factors, such as the number of views your videos get and the type of ads that run on your videos.

In addition to earning money from ads, YPP members also get access to a number of other benefits, such as:

  • Creator support: YPP members have access to a team of experts who can help them with things like creating content, growing their audience, and monetizing their channel.
  • Early access to features: YPP members get early access to new features and tools, such as the ability to run channel memberships and Super Chat.
  • Brand sponsorship opportunities: YPP members are eligible for brand sponsorship opportunities, which can be a great way to generate revenue and grow their audience.

If you’re serious about making money on YouTube, then the YPP is a great way to do it. By meeting the requirements and joining the program, you can start earning money from your videos and get access to a number of other benefits.

Here are the eligibility requirements for the YouTube Partner Program:

  • 1,000 subscribers
  • 4,000 public watch hours in the past 12 months
  • Live in a country/region where the YPP is available
  • Accept the relevant contract modules
  • Create content that meets YouTube’s advertiser-friendly content guidelines

If you meet the eligibility requirements, you can apply to join the YPP by going to your YouTube Studio and clicking on the “Monetization” tab. Once you’ve applied, YouTube will review your channel and let you know if you’ve been accepted.

If you’re not accepted into the YPP, don’t worry. You can always reapply later once you’ve grown your channel and met the requirements.

Additional Tips for Making Money on YouTube

  • Use relevant keywords in your titles and descriptions. This will help people find your videos when they’re searching for content on YouTube.
  • Create end screens and cards to promote your other videos. This is a great way to keep viewers engaged and watching more of your content.
  • Run channel memberships and Super Chat. These are premium features that allow viewers to support your channel and get exclusive perks.
  • Partner with brands. You can partner with brands to promote their products or services on your channel. This can be a great way to generate revenue and grow your audience.

By following these tips, you can increase your chances of making money on YouTube. However, it’s important to remember that there is no guaranteed way to make a lot of money on YouTube. It takes time, effort, and dedication to build a successful channel.

How YouTube Channel Memberships and SuperChat Can Help Creators Earn Money

A woman sitting in front of a desktop computer with Youtube on the screen.

YouTube Channel memberships and SuperChat are two ways that creators can earn money from their channels. Channel memberships allow viewers to pay a monthly fee to support their favorite creators and get exclusive perks, such as custom emojis, badges, and live chat access. SuperChat allows viewers to donate money to creators during live streams, with their messages highlighted in the chat.

How Channel Memberships Work

Channel memberships are a monthly subscription service that gives viewers access to exclusive perks on a creator’s channel. These perks can vary from channel to channel, but they might include things like:

  • Custom emojis
  • Badges
  • Early access to new videos
  • Live chat access
  • Behind-the-scenes content

Creators set the price of their channel memberships, which can range from $4.99 to $99.99 per month. YouTube takes a cut of the membership fee, but the creator keeps the majority of the money.

How SuperChat Works

A graphic showing how the Youtube Superchat feature works.

SuperChat is a way for viewers to donate money to creators during live streams. When a viewer sends a SuperChat donation, their message is highlighted in the chat and stays visible for longer. SuperChat donations start at $1.99, and creators keep the majority of the money.

How Channel Memberships and SuperChat Can Help Creators Earn Money

Channel memberships and SuperChat can be a great way for creators to earn money from their channels. These features allow creators to build a more engaged and supportive community, and they can also help creators to generate a steady stream of income.

Here are some of the benefits of using channel memberships and SuperChat:

  • Build a more engaged community: Channel memberships and SuperChat can help creators to build a more engaged and supportive community. When viewers pay to support a creator, they are more likely to be invested in the creator’s content and to participate in the community.
  • Generate a steady stream of income: Channel memberships and SuperChat can help creators to generate a steady stream of income. This can be helpful for creators who are just starting out or who are not yet eligible for the YouTube Partner Program.
  • Offer exclusive perks: Channel memberships can be used to offer exclusive perks to viewers, such as custom emojis, badges, and live chat access. This can help creators to differentiate their channel from others and to attract more viewers.
  • Connect with viewers: SuperChat can be used to connect with viewers and to answer their questions. This can help creators to build relationships with their viewers and to improve the quality of their content.

If you’re a YouTube creator, I encourage you to consider using channel memberships and SuperChat. These features can be a great way to earn money from your channel and to build a more engaged and supportive community.

How to Grow YouTube Subscribers and Revenue with Scalefluence

Scalefluence is an influencer marketing platform that helps brands connect with YouTube creators. The platform has a network of over 100,000 creators, so brands can find the perfect creator to reach their target audience.

Scalefluence can help brands grow their YouTube subscribers and revenue in a number of ways. Here are a few examples:

  • Run influencer campaigns: Brands can work with Scalefluence to run influencer campaigns. This involves partnering with a YouTube creator to create sponsored content. The content can be a video, blog post, or social media post.
  • Get featured on YouTube channels: Scalefluence can help brands get featured on YouTube channels. This involves reaching out to creators and pitching them the idea of featuring the brand’s products or services in their videos.
  • Get promoted in YouTube search results: Scalefluence can help brands get promoted in YouTube search results. This involves using relevant keywords and tags in the brand’s videos and channel.
  • Get access to analytics: Scalefluence provides brands with analytics data about their YouTube campaigns. This data can be used to track the performance of the campaigns and to optimize them for success.

If you’re a brand that wants to grow your YouTube subscribers and revenue, Scalefluence can help. The platform has a proven track record of success, and it can help you reach your target audience and achieve your marketing goals.

Here are some additional tips for growing your YouTube subscribers and revenue with Scalefluence:

  • Be clear about your goals: What do you want to achieve with your YouTube channel? Do you want to increase your subscribers? Generate more revenue? Once you know your goals, you can create a strategy to achieve them.
  • Choose the right creators: When you’re working with Scalefluence, choose creators who are a good fit for your brand and your target audience. Make sure that their content is aligned with your brand values and that they have a good track record of creating high-quality content.
  • Track your results: It’s important to track the results of your YouTube campaigns so that you can see what’s working and what’s not. Scalefluence provides analytics data that can help you track the performance of your campaigns.
  • Be patient: It takes time to grow a successful YouTube channel. Don’t expect to see results overnight. Just keep creating great content and promoting your channel, and you’ll eventually start to see growth.

By following these tips, you can grow your YouTube subscribers and revenue with Scalefluence.

Set Up YouTube Shopping and Sell Merchandise

With YouTube shopping, creators have the opportunity to sell merchandise directly through their channels. Selling your own merch, like t-shirts, hats, or custom products, is an excellent way for YouTubers to diversify their revenue streams. From popular YouTubers like Jake Paul to niche creators, merchandise sales can be a substantial additional revenue stream.

Other Monetization Options

  • Affiliate Marketing: Successful YouTubers often promote products and earn money online from every sale made through their unique link.
  • Showing Display Ads on Your Channel: Beyond Google AdSense, YouTubers can opt for sponsored videos where an advertiser pays directly for promotion.

Ramit Sethi: A Model for Running a Successful YouTube Channel

Ramit Sethi is a New York Times bestselling author and entrepreneur who has built a multi-million dollar business teaching people how to make more money and live better lives. He is also a successful YouTuber, with over 1.5 million subscribers.

Sethi’s YouTube channel is a great model for anyone who wants to run a successful YouTube channel. Here are some of the things he does that you can learn from:

  • He focuses on a specific niche. Sethi’s channel is all about personal finance and entrepreneurship. This gives him a clear focus and allows him to attract a specific audience.
  • He creates high-quality content. Sethi’s videos are well-produced and informative. He takes the time to research his topics and to create videos that are valuable to his audience.
  • He promotes his products and services. Sethi doesn’t shy away from promoting his products and services on his YouTube channel. He knows that his audience is interested in what he has to offer, and he uses his channel to connect with them and sell them his products.
  • He engages with his audience. Sethi is very active in the comments section of his videos. He takes the time to answer questions and to interact with his viewers. This helps him to build relationships with his audience and to keep them coming back for more.

If you want to run a successful YouTube channel like Ramit Sethi, focus on a specific niche, create high-quality content, promote your products and services, and engage with your audience. By following these tips, you can build a successful YouTube channel that will help you to grow your business.

How to Achieve 1 Million Views on YouTube: A Guide for New Content Creators

Starting a YouTube channel can feel both thrilling and daunting. While every creator dreams of seeing their content gain millions of views, reaching this milestone is no small feat. However, with strategic planning, dedication, and a pinch of creativity, accelerating your journey to 1 million views is possible. Here’s how:

1. Understand Your Niche

Before creating content, understand where you fit in the vast universe of YouTube. What can you offer that no one else does? Whether it’s a unique skill, perspective, or topic, ensure your content stands out from the crowd.

2. Create High-Quality Content

The emphasis on quality cannot be overstated. Invest in good equipment, perfect your editing skills, and pay attention to details like lighting and sound. More than anything, your content should provide value, be it entertainment, information, or inspiration.

3. Engage with Your Audience

Interaction can make a huge difference. Reply to comments, host live chats, or run polls to see what your audience wants next. Building a community around your channel will encourage viewers to return and recommend your content to others.

4. Optimize for Search

YouTube is the second largest search engine after Google. Make sure to optimize your video titles, descriptions, and tags for SEO. Research trending keywords in your niche using tools like Google’s Keyword Planner or YouTube’s search suggest feature.

5. Collaborate with Others

Collaborating with YouTubers in your niche (or a complementary one) can help you tap into their audience. This cross-promotion can exponentially increase your reach.

6. Consistency is Key

Having a consistent posting schedule helps in building an engaged subscriber base. It’s easier for viewers to return to your channel if they know when to expect new content.

7. Promote on Other Platforms

Don’t rely solely on YouTube’s algorithm. Share your videos on social media platforms, relevant forums, and communities. Embedding your videos in blog posts or collaborating with bloggers can also draw in a new audience.

8. Pay Attention to Analytics

YouTube Analytics can offer invaluable insights. Understand which videos are most popular, where your traffic sources come from, and demographic information. This data can guide your content strategy moving forward.

9. Invest in YouTube Ads

If you have some budget to spare, consider promoting your videos using YouTube ads. Even a small amount can boost your views and get your content in front of a targeted audience.

10. Encourage Shares

The more shares your video gets, the wider your reach. Create content that’s share-worthy and always encourage viewers to share if they enjoyed the video.

11. Create a Series or Challenge

A series or challenge can be a smart way to keep viewers coming back for more. If they’re invested in the first video, they’ll want to watch the rest, multiplying your views.

12. Thumbnails and Titles Matter

A captivating thumbnail and a compelling title can significantly increase your click-through rate. It’s your content’s first impression, so make it count!

The Top Earning YouTubers in 2022

According to Forbes, the top earning YouTubers in 2022 are:

  1. MrBeast (Jimmy Donaldson): $54 millionMrBeast (Jimmy Donaldson) YouTube channel

    MrBeast (Jimmy Donaldson) YouTube channel
  • Known for his expensive stunts and challenges, MrBeast has over 95 million subscribers on YouTube.
  1. Jake Paul: $45 million
  • A boxer and social media personality, Jake Paul has over 23 million subscribers on YouTube.Jake Paul boxing match YouTube video
  1. Markiplier: $38 million
  • A gamer and comedian, Markiplier has over 31 million subscribers on YouTube.Markiplier gaming YouTube video
  1. Rhett and Link: $30 million
  • A comedy duo, Rhett and Link have over 17 million subscribers on YouTube.Rhett and Link comedy YouTube videoRhett and Link comedy YouTube video
  1. Unspeakable: $28.5 millionUnspeakable YouTube channel

    Unspeakable YouTube channel
  • A gamer and YouTuber, Unspeakable has over 22 million subscribers on YouTube.

These YouTubers earn money through a variety of sources, including advertising, sponsorships, and merchandise sales. They also generate revenue from YouTube’s premium features, such as Super Chat and channel memberships.

The amount of money that YouTubers earn can vary greatly depending on their popularity, content, and sponsorship deals. However, the top earning YouTubers can make millions of dollars each year.

In addition to the top 10 earners, there are many other YouTubers who make a good living from their channels. Some of these YouTubers focus on specific niches, such as gaming, beauty, or food. Others create more general content, such as challenges, pranks, or vlogs.

No matter what their niche, all successful YouTubers share some common traits. They are all passionate about creating content, they are constantly innovating, and they are always looking for new ways to connect with their audience.

If you’re thinking about starting a YouTube channel, keep these things in mind. With hard work and dedication, you could be one of the next top earning YouTubers.

Frequently Asked Questions

When Does YouTube Start Paying You?

YouTube pays its creators monthly, but only if they’ve reached a $100 threshold. Earnings come from ad revenue generated from YouTube videos, but can also include channel memberships and Super Chat payments. YouTube analytics provides a detailed breakdown of earnings, making it easier for creators to track.

How Much Does YouTube Pay for 1000 Subscribers?

It’s a common misconception that YouTube pays based on the number of subscribers. In reality, subscribers are more of an indicator of a channel’s reach and potential viewership. Earnings primarily come from video views and the ads shown during them. However, reaching milestones, like 1000 subscribers, is crucial for accessing features like channel memberships.

How Much Do YouTubers Make Per 1000 Views?

Based on average CPM (Cost Per Mille) rates, YouTube stars can expect to earn between $2 to $7 for every 1000 views on their video content, post the YouTube platform’s cut. These rates vary depending on factors like viewer demographics, video length, and engagement.

What the Average YouTuber Makes

The average YouTuber might not be raking in millions, but they can make a comfortable income. Many video creators earn between $500 to $5,000 monthly, but this varies significantly based on the factors mentioned above. The beauty of the YouTube platform is that it allows for a vast range of earning potentials, depending on how one navigates the YouTube community and algorithm.

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